Advertise With Us

Reach your target market. 

AHCJ’s members cover medical research, the business of health care, health policy and consumer issues for the news industry’s top outlets. Our members work for newspapers, television and radio stations, consumer newsletters and magazines, online publications, trade publications and books. We have the top journalists on this beat.

When you advertise with AHCJ, you get:

Improve journalists’ understanding of key issues.
Your ad can point to resources and experts that will help journalists better understand critical and complex health issues.

Gain credibility with journalists.
Associate with the most highly respected organization dedicated to health and health care journalists in the world.

Take advantage of bargain rates.
At our low ad rates, your organization will get a lot of bang for its buck. You’ll reach the reporters and editors who are most likely to cover health-related issues. Options include classified postings, print display ads and linked online display ads.

Who can advertise with AHCJ?

While AHCJ has a more detailed fundraising policy, generally advertising is accepted from the following:

  • Media companies
  • Nonprofit, nonpartisan foundations, including media foundations, not controlled by commercial firms
  • Medical journals
  • Nonpartisan research organizations
  • Publicly funded agencies, universities and hospitals
  • Nonprofit colleges/universitiesIndividual nonprofit academic medical centers that are members of AAMC or major teaching affiliates of AACOM member schools
  • Other educational institutions with an interest in improving the quality of health care journalism consistent with the mission of AHCJ
  • Companies or groups that have no specific interest in healthcare but sell or supply products or services that journalists may consider useful in their work. (For example, computers, software, notepads, automobile rentals, hotels, airlines and freelance agencies.)

The Association of Health Care Journalists, and its Center for Excellence in Health Care Journalism, seeks to minimize the possibility and appearance of inappropriate influence from outside parties. The association imposes strict limitations on the sources of its funding and embraces transparency, independence and sustainability when evaluating whether to accept funds from outside parties.